POP Blanket Clips x2
POP Blanket Clips and toggle x2. Natural wood and 100% cotton.
The POP Blanket is a simple but innovative solution to an everyday problem, designed by a mum: a baby blanket that doesn't fall off when you're travelling or at home.
- The POP Blanket solves the problem of a blanket falling off a child while in a stroller, buggy, car/plane seat, child carrier or any other children's seat that has a double front seat belt.
- The clips and blanket have been specifically designed to be used together in the most efficient way; the clip toggles can be fitted into any combination of the blanket’s eight buttonholes to shorten or lengthen according to your needs, its size/length adjustable to avoid getting caught in wheels, doors, shoes or mud!
To be used with the POP Blanket.
Natural wood and cotton clip and toggle x2.
How to use
Colour: Navy